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addPt() 的功能是向 points 数组追加新的 Point 对象:

//creates a point object instance
function addPt(xp,yp) {
points.push( new Point( xPct(xp), yPct(yp) ) );

由于我们在 C 语言中是用指针实现数组的,需要先调用 realloc() 扩展数组空间,然后插入新元素。代码如下:

// creates a point object instance
void addPt(double xp, double yp)
Point pt = createPoint(xPct(xp), yPct(yp));
Point *newPoints = realloc(points, sizeof(Point) * (pointCount + 1));
if (newPoints == NULL || pt == NULL) {
newPoints[pointCount] = pt;
points = newPoints;


addSp() 的功能是向 spans 数组追加新的 Span 对象。它的转译方法与 addPt() 是相似的,因此,此处不再赘述。


randNumBetween() 的功能是生成指定范围内的随机数:

//generates random number between a minimum and maximum value
function randNumBetween(min,max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random()*(max-min+1))+min;

在 C 语言中可以使用 stdlib.h 提供的 rand() 函数获取随机数,配合 % 取模运算符可以限定数值范围。

// generates random number between a minimum and maximum value
int randNumBetween(int min, int max)
return (int)(rand() % (max - min + 1)) + min;

通常我们会在用 rand() 之前用 srand() 初始化随机数种子,那么,这种初始化操作就可以写入 Fabric_init() 中:

 void Fabric_init(int fw, int fh, int canvaswidth, int canvasHeight)
int i, j, x, y;
int htc = fw; // fabric horizontal thread count
int vtc = fh; // fabric vertical thread count

+ srand((unsigned)time(NULL));
Fabric_resize(canvaswidth, canvasHeight);


updateSpans() 的功能是更新两点之间的间距,代码如下:

// sets spans between points
function updateSpans() {
for (var i=0; i<spans.length; i++) {
var s = spans[i];
var dx = -; // distance between x values
var dy = -; // distance between y values
var d = Math.sqrt( dx*dx + dy*dy); // distance between the points
if (d > s.l*fabricStrength) { spans.splice(i,1); } // tear if over-stretched
var r = s.l / d; // ratio (span length over distance between points)
var mx = + dx / 2; // midpoint between x values
var my = + dy / 2; // midpoint between y values
var ox = dx / 2 * r; // offset of each x value (compared to span length)
var oy = dy / 2 * r; // offset of each y value (compared to span length)
if (s.p1.pinned === false) { = mx - ox; // updates span's first point x value = my - oy; // updates span's first point y value
if (s.p2.pinned === false) { = mx + ox; // updates span's second point x value = my + oy; // updates span's second point y value

它的内部会调用数组操作方法 splice() 删除 spans 数组中的元素,如果用 C 语言实现与之相同的功能的话会需要多写一点代码,我们不妨简单点,先释放数组内指定下标的元素,然后赋值为 NULL,使用数组元素前先判断是否 NULL。完整的实现代码如下:

// sets spans between points
void Fabric_updateSpans(void)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < spanCount; i++) {
Span s = spans[i];
if (!s) {
// distance between x values
double dx = s->p2->cx - s->p1->cx;
// distance between y values
double dy = s->p2->cy - s->p1->cy;
// distance between the points
double d = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
// tear if over-stretched
if (d > s->l * fabricStrength) {
spans[i] = NULL;
// ratio (span length over distance between points) midpoint
// between x values
double r = s->l / d;
double mx = s->p1->cx + dx / 2;
// midpoint between y values
double my = s->p1->cy + dy / 2;
// offset of each x value (compared to span length)
double ox = dx / 2 * r;
// offset of each y value (compared to span length)
double oy = dy / 2 * r;
if (!s->p1->pinned) {
// updates span's first point x value
s->p1->cx = mx - ox;
// updates span's first point y value
s->p1->cy = my - oy;
if (!s->p2->pinned) {
// updates span's second point x value
s->p2->cx = mx + ox;
// updates span's second point y value
s->p2->cy = my + oy;
