转译全局 变量
JS 源码开头处有一堆全局变量声明:
//canvas variables
var container = document.getElementById("container_div");
var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
//fabric components
var pointCount = 0;
var points = [];
var spans = [];
var displayPoints = false;
var displaySpans = true;
var fw = 66; // fabric width (as percentage of canvas width)
var fh = 55; // fabric height (as percentage of canvas height)
var htc = fw; // fabric horizontal thread count
var vtc = fh; // fabric vertical thread count
var rigidity = 15; // (iterations of position-accuracy refinement)
var gravity = 0.5; // (rate of y-velocity increase per frame)
var friction = 0.999; // (proportion of previous velocity after frame refresh)
var wallBounceLoss = 0.9; // (proportion of previous velocity after bouncing)
var skidLoss = 0.8; // (proportion of previous velocity if touching the ground)
var canvasPositionLeft = canvas.getBoundingClientRect().left + window.scrollX;
var canvasPositionTop = canvas.getBoundingClientRect().top + window.scrollY;
var mouseCanvasX;
var mouseCanvasY;
var grabRadius = canvas.width/25;
var fabricStrength = 25; // (number of times a span's length can stretch before breaking)
其中的 container、canvas、ctx、displayPoints、displaySpans、canvasPositionLeft、canvasPositionTop、mouseCanvasX、mouseCanvasY 变量属于 UI 部分,我们先忽略它们,因为下文中确定的 UI 部分的实现方案并不一定需要这些变量。
fw、fh、htc、vtc 这四个变量仅在下面的全局执行语句中使用,应该移动到初始化函数中作为局部变量使用。
grabRadius 依赖 canvas.width,而 canvas.width 在其它地方也有用到,因此,我们可以先定义全局变量 canvasWidth,然后将 canvas.width 全部替换为 canvasWidth,以解除对 UI 部分的依赖。canvas.height 亦是如此。
points 和 spans 是数组类型,分别用于存放 Point 和 Span 类型对象。对于这种可动态长度的数组,我们可以使用指针实现:
// fabric.c
Point *points = NULL;
Span *spans = NULL;
类型的话,我们可以先在 fabric.h 里为它们定义空的结构体,等后面我们调查清楚它们的具体成员后再补全结构体。
// fabric.h
typedef struct PointRec_ {
// TODO: 补全结构体成员
} PointRec, *Point;
typedef struct SpanRec_ {
// TODO: 补全结构体成员
} SpanRec, *Span;
剩下的全局变量声明语句都比较简单,根据它们的初始值可以很容易的得出它们在 C 语言中的类型和声明方式,以下是转译后的 C 代码:
// fabric.c
double canvasWidth = 0;
double canvasHeight = 0;
// fabric components
int pointCount = 0;
int spanCount = 0;
Point *points = NULL;
Span *spans = NULL;
// settings
// (iterations of position-accuracy refinement)
int rigidity = 15;
// (rate of y-velocity increase per frame)
double gravity = 0.5;
// (proportion of previous velocity after frame refresh)
double friction = 0.999;
// (proportion of previous velocity after bouncing)
double wallBounceLoss = 0.9;
// (proportion of previous velocity if touching the ground)
double skidLoss = 0.8;
// interaction
double grabRadius = 0;
// (number of times a span's length can stretch before breaking)
double fabricStrength = 25;